Alphabet Cipher
1 February 2025
A solution to the Alphabet Cipher Kata described at Awesome Katas.
""" """
# usage: python3
def repeat(text):
""" non-ending """
while True:
for i in text.lower():
yield i
def decode(seed, text):
""" decode text using seed """
a = ord('a')
s = repeat(seed)
output = []
for i in text.lower():
if 'a' <= i <= 'z':
col = next(s)
j = chr(a + (ord(i) - ord(col)) % 26)
return ''.join(output)
def encode(seed, text):
""" encode text using seed """
a = ord('a')
s = repeat(seed)
output = []
for i in text.lower():
if 'a' <= i <= 'z':
col = next(s)
j = chr(a + (ord(col) + ord(i) - 2 * a) % 26)
return ''.join(output)
def decipher(messagetext, ciphertext):
""" calculate seed """
def isolate(text):
""" isolate repeating text """
for size in range(1, len(text) + 1):
seed = text[:size]
checks = [seed.startswith(text[j * size:(j + 1) * size])
for j in range(len(text) // len(seed) + 1)]
if all(checks):
return seed
return text
a = ord('a')
output = []
for j, i in enumerate(messagetext.lower()):
if 'a' <= i <= 'z':
col = chr((ord(ciphertext[j].lower()) - ord(i)) % 26 + a)
return isolate(''.join(output))
if __name__ == '__main__':
secret = 'burgertime'
message = 'Do you have a copy of BurgerTime?'
answer = encode(secret, message)
assert answer == 'eipuyytdqedigeswucdkflkoqv'
secret = 'vigilance'
message = 'meet me on Tuesday evening at seven'
answer = encode(secret, message)
assert answer == 'hmkbxebpxpmyllyrxiiqtoltfgzzv'
secret = 'burgertime'
cipher = 'eipuyytdqedigeswucdkflkoqv'
answer = decode(secret, cipher)
assert answer == 'doyouhaveacopyofburgertime'
secret = 'vigilance'
cipher = 'hmkbxebpxpmyllyrxiiqtoltfgzzv'
answer = decode(secret, cipher)
assert answer == 'meetmeontuesdayeveningatseven'
message = 'thequickbrownfoxjumpsoveralazydog'
cipher = 'opkyfipmfmwcvqoklyhxywgeecpvhelzg'
answer = decipher(message, cipher)
assert answer == 'vigilance'
message = 'packmyboxwithfivedozenliquorjugs'
cipher = 'hcqxqqtqljmlzhwiivgbsapaiwcenmyu'
answer = decipher(message, cipher)
assert answer == 'scones'