


Day 20 - Advent of Code 2024

20 December 2024

Working solutions for the day 20 puzzles.

Part One

""" """

# usage: python3 100 < input

import sys
from collections import namedtuple

Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x, y')

def moddiv(value, num):
    """ reverse divmod """
    return value % num, value // num

def scout(loc, track, obstacles):
    """ single possible move from loc not in track """
    deltas = [Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(-1, 0)]
    dest = None
    for d in deltas:
        dest = Point(loc.x + d.x, loc.y + d.y)
        if dest not in obstacles:
            if dest not in track:
    return dest

def solve(begin, finish, obstacles):
    """ single path to go from begin to finish """
    visited = []
    pos = begin
    while pos != finish:
        pos = scout(pos, visited, obstacles)

    return visited

def cheats(loc, path, obstacles):
    """ select cheat locations from loc """
    deltas = [Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(-1, 0)]
    outcome = []
    for d in deltas:
        if Point(loc.x + d.x, loc.y + d.y) in obstacles:
            dest = Point(loc.x + 2 * d.x, loc.y + 2 * d.y)
            if dest in path:
                if path.index(loc) < path.index(dest):
    return outcome

with sys.stdin as infile:
    raw =

saving = int(sys.argv[1])
width = raw.find('\n')
raw = raw.replace('\n', '')
height = len(raw) // width

start = Point(*moddiv(raw.find('S'), width))
end = Point(*moddiv(raw.find('E'), width))

cpu = {Point(*moddiv(i, width)) for i, obj in enumerate(raw) if obj == '#'}
single_path = solve(start, end, cpu)

log = [0 for _ in range(len(single_path))]
for i, step in enumerate(single_path):
    for cheat in cheats(step, single_path, cpu):
        time_saving = single_path.index(cheat) - i - 2
        log[time_saving] += 1


Part Two

""" """

# usage: python3 100 < input

import sys
from collections import namedtuple

Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x, y')

def moddiv(value, num):
    """ reverse divmod """
    return value % num, value // num

def scout(loc, track, obstacles):
    """ single possible move from loc not in track """
    deltas = [Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(-1, 0)]
    dest = None
    for d in deltas:
        dest = Point(loc.x + d.x, loc.y + d.y)
        if dest not in obstacles:
            if dest not in track:
    return dest

def solve(begin, finish, obstacles):
    """ single path to go from begin to finish """
    visited = []
    pos = begin
    while pos != finish:
        pos = scout(pos, visited, obstacles)

    return visited + [finish]

def cheats(loc, path):
    """ select cheat locations from loc """
    def dist(a, b):
        """ Manhattan distance """
        return abs(a.x - b.x) + abs(a.y - b.y)

    outcome = set()
    for pos in path[path.index(loc):]:
        if (d := dist(loc, pos)) <= 20:
            outcome.add((pos, d))
    return outcome

with sys.stdin as infile:
    raw =

saving = int(sys.argv[1])
width = raw.find('\n')
raw = raw.replace('\n', '')
height = len(raw) // width

start = Point(*moddiv(raw.find('S'), width))
end = Point(*moddiv(raw.find('E'), width))

cpu = {Point(*moddiv(i, width)) for i, obj in enumerate(raw) if obj == '#'}
single_path = solve(start, end, cpu)

log = [0 for _ in range(len(single_path))]
for i, step in enumerate(single_path):
    for cheat, time in cheats(step, single_path):
        time_saving = single_path.index(cheat) - i - time
        log[time_saving] += 1


