Day 15 - Advent of Code 2024
15 December 2024
Working solutions for the day 15 puzzles.
Part One
""" """
# usage: python3 < input
import sys
def move(command, across, plot):
""" execute move command """
delta = {'^': -across, '>': 1, 'v': across, '<': -1}
area = list(plot)
bot = area.index('@')
i = 1
while area[(j := bot + i * delta[command])] == 'O':
i += 1
if area[j] != '#':
area[bot] = '.'
area[bot + delta[command]] = '@'
if i != 1:
area[j] = 'O'
return ''.join(area)
grid = ''
width = None
with sys.stdin as infile:
while (line := infile.readline()) != '\n':
for w, obj in enumerate(line.strip()):
grid += obj
width = w + 1
orders ='\n', '')
for instruction in orders:
grid = move(instruction, width, grid)
print(sum(100 * (i // width) + i % width
for i, box in enumerate(grid) if box == 'O'))
Part Two