Day 4 - Advent of Code 2023
Working solutions for the day 4 puzzles.
Part One
""" """
# usage: python3 < input
import sys
def process(text):
""" card # and matches """
label, game = text.split(': ')
_, seq = label.split()
x, y = game.split(' | ')
return seq, len(set(x.split()) & set(y.split()))
answer = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
_, matches = process(line)
if matches > 0:
answer += pow(2, matches - 1)
Part Two
""" """
# usage: python3 < input
import sys
def process(text):
""" card # and matches """
label, game = text.split(': ')
_, seq = label.split()
x, y = game.split(' | ')
return seq, len(set(x.split()) & set(y.split()))
cards = {}
for line in sys.stdin:
num, matches = process(line)
cards[int(num)] = [1, matches]
for num, (qty, matches) in cards.items():
for _ in range(qty):
for i in range(num + 1, num + 1 + matches):
cards[i][0] += 1
print(sum(i for i, _ in cards.values()))