Day 25 - Advent of Code 2023
Working solutions for the day 25 puzzles.
Part One
""" """
# usage: python3 < input
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# note: terminates quickly with "example" data, not so with "input" data
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
from itertools import combinations
raw = {}
for line in sys.stdin:
u, v = line.split(': ')
raw[u] = v.split()
components = {}
for u, v in raw.items():
k = components.get(u, set())
k = k.union(v)
components[u] = k
for i in k:
j = components.get(i, set())
j = j.union(set([u]))
components[i] = j
for u in combinations(combinations(components, 2), 3):
explore = [list(components)[0]]
visited = []
while explore:
piece = explore.pop()
for i in components[piece]:
if i not in explore and i not in visited:
if (piece, i) not in u and (i, piece) not in u:
if len(visited) < len(components):
print(len(visited) * (len(components) - len(visited)))
Part Two