Day 14 - Advent of Code 2023
Working solutions for the day 14 puzzles.
Part One
""" """
# usage: python3 < input
import sys
raw =
width, height = raw.index('\n'), raw.count('\n')
platform = [i for i in raw if i != '\n']
rounded = [i for i, j in enumerate(platform) if j == 'O']
def tilt_north(x):
""" move rock north if possible """
y = x - width
return y if y > 0 and platform[y] == '.' else x
for i, j in enumerate(rounded):
platform[j] = '.'
k = tilt_north(j)
while j != k:
j = k
k = tilt_north(j)
rounded[i] = j
platform[j] = 'O'
print(sum(height - i // width for i in rounded))
Part Two